Landscaping Specialists in Nekoosa

DCM Landscaping LLC & Total Lawn Care

Here at DCM Landscaping LLC & Total Lawn Care, we are dedicated to finding creative solutions that work for our customers. We know what plants and lawns need to flourish in our central Wisconsin climate and can advise you on all the best steps to take to ensure proper maintenance. If you have a question that isn’t answered in our FAQ section, call us and we’ll be happy to give you the information you need!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What steps do I take to get a project done?

Call DCM and set up an initial meeting with Mike, our designer. He is available most nights and weekends. Mike will meet with you on your project and discuss exactly what you want done. Once Mike has the plan drawn, and bid ready he will meet with you again and discuss the plan. The best part is that these consultations are all free. Once you are happy with the plan your project will soon begin!

I like the plan that was done for me but I can't afford it all right now?

DCM will work with you and find a plan that best fits your budget. Many of our customers do their projects in stages based on their budget.

What makes DCM different from any other company I get a bid from?

We use quality materials along with expert installation. We do not compromise or take shortcuts on the job site. A job done the wrong way will not last.

What is the best way to care for sod?

Sod must be watered frequently. Water about 15 minutes for one area and if sod is watered properly it will knit into the soil in about 10-20 days. Although you should still continue to water after that point. When the grass is approximately 4" high it will be ready to trim. Make sure the blades are sharp and set the mower deck as high as possible. Mowing a new lawn to short will scalp the sod or cause it to discolor brown and yellow.

What is the best way to care for my newly seeded lawn?

Your newly seeded lawn needs to be kept damp, not soaking or muddy for a minimum of 3 weeks. Do not attempt to pull or rake any of the straw that has been placed on the lawn doing so may remove new roots and important nourishment in your lawn. As soon as grass is 4-5" high it can be mowed with sharp blades and the deck set as high as possible. Do not pick up or bag any of the clippings. A new lawn can be lightly fertilized 4-6 weeks after planting, but avoid any "weed and feed" for the first year.

Why do I have weeds coming up in my new lawn?

In order to avoid weeds establish proper watering, so the grass will choke out any weeds.

Why does my lawn have a light yellow color?

Yellowing implies that there is not enough water or it is time to fertilize. Be sure to water after fertilizer is applied.

Do I really need to lime my lawn?

Lawn needs lime once a year to ensure a good pH in the soil and work along with the fertilizer. It is needed especially in the central Wisconsin area due to the amount of evergreens. We do apply lime when your lawn is installed.

Why does my lawn have brownish yellow spots in the spring?

This is caused by snow mold, areas where there was a thick amount of snow or ice over the winter.

When is the best time to water my new lawn and/or plants?

Best watering conditions are early in the morning, in the evening, or preferably both.

How much water do my new plants need?

Trees 2-3 ft caliper need 5-7 gallons per watering

Evergreens 6-10" caliper need 5-7 gallons per watering

Larger shrubs or smaller trees need 2-3 gallons per watering

Smaller shrubs or ground coverings need 1-2 gallons per watering


Call today to schedule a landscaping service!

(715) 325-5548

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